Monday, December 6, 2010

Broken leg............

Broken leg today.........fell down yesterday during working.............MC for 2 said not to walk many.........only can stay on my bed..........
sad.................hope 2 get well soon.............

Night Out with Babe..........

Last weekend.......suddenly want to go out........after finish church......i drove him to nusa bestari..........Traffic jam for about one hungry.............Suddenly i saw this cafe and decide to have our dinner here.............

the design of this cafe...............simple and nice..........

The drink i order...."Swimming Pool"......tasted just like orange

Enjoyable Trip to Pulau Sibu

Finally decide to have trip to Pulau Sibu on 16th November, 2010.....2 days trips.........hehe..........the day before we go.........we went to Jusco Bukit Indah to buy some snacks and beers and some drink...............hehe

After driving for 2 hours from kulai........finally reach the Tanjung Leman..........taking the boat for about 20minutes.........we reach our destination..........."Pulau Sibu"

Finally reach the island after tiring driving.....hehe

Need to climb up this scary..........
Meet our hotel....."COCONUT VILLAGE RESORT"

sunny........beach....& coconut tree.......
Nice & beautiful beach......but without nobody

The most wonderful about this island..............there is 2 different beach...........and these 2 are so beautiful.....................the bad thing is............only two of us as visitor in this beach.......haha........noone here...............The last photo we took before leaving the island...........we look so tired...............

Saturday, October 23, 2010

我和他的故事 (Part 1)

我和他。。。。他是van huan。。。。。来自越南。。。。没想过会在一起的。。。。。算算在一起已经八个月的。。。。而且还是我追他的。。。哈哈。。。每天都想把我和他的故事写下来。。。但我又是个懒惰的人。。。希望我能把我们的故事写完。。。。哈哈。。。





sms差不多一个月。。。。我是不是会约他去看戏。。。但我们都工作忙。。。没出去。。。到了2月11日。。。工厂因为要到新年了所以开始停工。。。。当天我有约他今晚看戏。。。没想到他答应了。。。不过今天又是annual dinner。。。。。所以约他晚一点。。。当晚我喝了很多酒。。。。有点不清醒。。。。而且还让他在巴士站等了半个小时。。。。还记得当时他穿了一件蓝色线条衣服。。。和一件红色短裤。。。。好可爱。。。。忘记了当时我们看了什么戏。。。。只记得我很主动地抱着他。。。。而且他也没任何表示。。。。。。。。真开心!!!!



Sunday, July 25, 2010

Going to update soon~~

long time no blogging..............but going to update soon...........many things wanna to share with u all..........but mostly about me n someone.............hehe..............friends.........wait for me lor..........

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Regretful of that~~~

Working in this new company for about 3 months.........thought it will be easier than my ex-company.....but feel so regretful of making such a stupid decision.........what i thought last time......o it is the same in everywhere???why????wat did i do wrong????how much must be so tension in every where???why the tension always came from human being.....not the sorry for you for making such a stupid n idiot decision of leaving previous company and come to this 'HELL'.........Please tell me what have i done........y he keep on disturbing me????am i stepping on his tail???.........but i cant understand why boss so believe on him.........i cant stand anymore.......please control myself......if not......i afraid i will fight o kill him straight.......really cant stand for it.........need to get CRAZY soonest.............